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Step Forward, Give Back - Nepal Trek for Change

AUD Prices from $3,999 to $5,999

Bookings close 25th April 2024

Nepal Trek with purpose

Adventure Kora and More than Mortgages have come together with a shared vision. To find adventurous participants who are willing to join a Nepal trek, to challenge themselves and undertake a physical and mental personal development opportunity while giving back and fostering positive change in Nepalese communities.

In April 2023 Deanna (De) Ezzy, the Director and Founder of More than Mortgages  embarked on what she thought would be a casual Nepal trek through the mountains. Little did she know that this journey would be so much more than just a walk. With every step, with every breath of that crisp mountain air, and under the guidance of Abhi, Managing Director of Adventure Kora , De found herself ascending towards Lake Gokyo. At a breath-taking altitude of 5357m she envisioned a world where individuals were not just trekking for the thrill of it, rather embarking on a Nepal trek with a purpose – a purpose larger than oneself.

De is now pushing herself with her second challenge in sight, one of the Step Forward, Give Back Nepal treks in May 2024 and wants other like minded Aussies to join her and Abhi, to grow, step out of their comfort zone and dive into something extraordinary while significantly giving back to Nepal.

De and Abhi prior to one of their Nepal Treks
De - Director and Founder of More than Mortgages with Abhi - Managing Director of Adventure Kora.

Through Adventure Kora, Abhi is able to fund his charitable organisation Kora for Change which at the present time,  focuses on small, impactful projects that make a lasting difference in the mountainous regions of Nepal.  Proceeds from the Step Forward, Give Back Nepal Trek will go to Kora for Change and their projects.

A nepalese child that could benefit from funds raised from Nepal Trek
One of the Kora for Change missions is to ensure essential medical services to those who have limited access to healthcare.
De and Abhi prior to one of their Nepal Treks
De - Director and Founder of More than Mortgages with Abhi - Managing Director of Adventure Kora.

Can't make the Nepal trek? Donate instead

We know not everyone who wants to be involved will be able to make it on one of the Step Forward, Give Back Nepal treks but regardless you can still get on board by donating to our Step Forward, Give Back fundraiser.  All donations received will go directly to the Kora for Change charity.

Kora for Change has a multi- faceted plan that focuses on important areas of people’s well-being, education, and healthcare in the mountainous region of Nepal.

Why join one of our Nepal Treks?

The Step Forward, Give Back Nepal trek packages

Both the Explore Nepal & Lake Gokyo and Explore Nepal & Panchase Region trek packages will include sightseeing tours as well as a trek.

As can be seen below more specific information on the Nepal treks are detailed and is markedly expanded in the downloadable itineraries. However this is just the tip of the Himalayan iceberg!  The memories you make, and the friendships and bonds that you will create are immeasurable.

Step into exceptional comfort with luxury accommodation

While not trekking in Nepal’s beautiful mountainous regions, our Nepal Trek participants will in particular enjoy the absolutely amazing accommodation at the Nepali Ghar Hotel in Kathmandu, Hotel Barahi  in Pokara and the Barahi Jungle Lodge  in Chitwan.

An aerial shot of the Bahari Jungle Lodge in Chitwan.

Explore Nepal & Lake Gokyo

$5,999 AUD
13th – 28th May 2024

Trip Duration: 16 days
Trek Duration:
8 days
8 days
Difficulty: Moderate
Group size: 2-12 people
Maximum altitude: 5,357m


  • Enjoy eight nights of luxurious 4.5 star accommodation while not trekking.
  • Explore historic Kathmandu, its interesting craftsmanship, vibrant market and cultural richness.
  • Trek through the stunning Himalayan landscapes to Gokyo, enjoying closer views of the beautifully standing Himalayan peaks.
  • Reach the summit of Gokyo Ri for a breathtaking mountain view of Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and Cho Oyu.
  • Take a scenic helicopter tour of Everest region.
  • Relish adventures like paragliding or relaxation in Pokhara’s lakeside setting.
  • Encounter wildlife in Chitwan National Park, and take the chance to spot rhinoceroses, tigers, and exotic bird species during this experience.
  • Immerse yourself in the traditions of Nepal with intriguing cultural performances and at the same time understand Nepal’s diverse heritage.
Abhi and De explore the Panchase Region

At this point we are already getting a lot of interest about the Step Forward, Give Back Nepal treks so get in touch for more information.  Bookings close on the 25th of April 2024! We look forward to trekking with you.

An arial shot of De looking out over Gokyo Lake.

Explore Nepal & Panchase Region

$3,999 AUD
18th – 28th May 2024

Trip Duration: 11 days
Trek Duration:
4 days
Sightseeing: 7 days
Difficulty: Easy
Group size: 2-12 people
Maximum altitude: 2,500m


  • Enjoy seven nights of luxurious 4.5 star accommodation while not trekking.
  • Begin your journey in Kathmandu, immersing yourself in local markets and shops, and explore the historical city of Bhaktapur.
  • Traverse through the lush landscapes of the Annapurna region, ascending to higher altitudes with each day.
  • Appreciate undoubtedly breath-taking views of the Annapurna range, serene rhododendron forests, and awe-inspiring landscapes during your trek.
  • Witness traditional cultural shows in Chitwan.
  • Explore Chitwan National Park via boat safaris, jeep rides, and walking safaris, encountering remarkable wildlife and at the same time, serene river landscapes.

Trek inclusions


Includes airport transfers and all internal flights

Hiking Gear

Duffle bag
Trekking poles
Sleeping bag
Water bottle
Sanitary kit


All meals during the trek
Breakfasts for the entire trip
See itinerary for other included meals

Mind Food

Spectacular scenery
Experience of a lifetime
Lots of fun and laughter
Cultural immersion
Giving back to the community
A fresh perspective on life
Health and wellbeing

Hotel Rooms

Rooms twin share
20 % extra for single supplement


Experienced and qualified guides
Support staff to carry your luggage during the trek
Includes all staff salaries and insurances


Trekking permits
Sightseeing permits
Safari permits


International flight
Nepal visa fee
Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu and Pokhara Beverage, Snacks and Bar bill
Extra meals and personal expenses during the trek
Tips and gratuities (10-15%)

Don't just take our word for it!

What will you feel like when you reach Gokyo Lake?

On De’s first trip to Nepal as a solo traveller, she was incredibly fortunate to be looked after by Abhi and his Adventure Kora team. From the moment she set foot in the country, Abhi showed an uncanny ability to anticipate her every need, even translating her Aussie lingo into something the locals would understand. He took De on an unforgettable tour of Kathmandu, introducing her to both well-known tourist sites and hidden local treasures, giving her a truly authentic Nepalese experience.

The highlight of De’s journey was an 8-day trek to Gokyo Ri, where she reached a breathtaking elevation of 5370m. Throughout this adventure, Abhi and his team ensured De had everything she needed, making her time in Nepal the highlight of her 16-week world trip.

De has fallen head over heels for Nepal and its people, and a huge part of that is thanks to the outstanding care and service of the Adventure Kora team. This is why De is doing this trip again but this time with purpose. Join De and Abhi for this unforgettable adventure for your mind, body and soul so that you too can strike the pose!

Living Your Best Life In Nepal

The location

Nepal, nestled in the Himalayas, boasts stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. The trekking trails offer diverse scenery, from lush forests to rugged mountain passes adorned with prayer flags. Home to Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, Nepal’s beauty is matched by the warm hospitality of its local communities, deeply rooted in ancient traditions. It’s a destination that captivates with its natural wonders and invites travellers to immerse themselves in its unique charm and authenticity.