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Deanna Ezzy has been recognised as one of the leading brokers in the Australian mortgage industry by being listed at number 40 in Australia, in the 2017 edition of Mortgage Professional Australia’s Top 100 Brokers. This makes her the number 6 female mortgage broker in the country.

""There are plenty of ways to measure a broker’s performance. For some, a great client testimonial is enough; others want a cabinet full of trophies. MPA’s Top 100 Brokers list highlights individuals who are extending the boundaries of what a broker can do, reaching new heights of efficiency and customer service and, consequently, writing more loans.

We take a straightforward approach: it is a broker’s total value of residential settlements over the 2016/17 financial year that decides the rankings you’ll see over the next few pages. This can be tough, for example on regional brokers dealing in lower loan sizes, but it provides a transparent way to compare very different brokers and different businesses.

The Top 100 is not simply a list of brokers; it can tell you a lot about the entire industry. Overall, this year’s Top 100 wrote fewer loans, with a lower total value than last year’s cohort. This is the second year that numbers have declined, and it is increasingly looking like the near-$11bn written in 2015 will be remembered as a peak that future brokers will struggle to reach.

Read the entire article at Your Mortgage